A couple making amends

The Importance of Making Amends

Addiction can take a toll on individuals and entire families. It destroys the health and well-being of everyone involved. Addiction affects not only the person struggling with it, but the people around them, making them feel helpless, hopeless, and exhausted. That’s why making amends is essential to the journey of healing from addiction. Let’s consider…

A woman worrying about commonly abused opiates

Commonly Abused Opiates

Opiates are widely used for pain management and relief. However, with the high risk of addiction that comes along with usage, it’s important to understand the impact that these drugs can have. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the misuse and abuse of prescription opiates, which has led to numerous fatalities.…

A man experiencing opioid dependence

Recognizing Opioid Dependence

It’s very difficult for people to recognize the signs opioid addiction or opioid dependence in themselves. Part of addiction means that the brain maintains its denial in order to continue having access to the drug it depends on to function. However, this stand-off doesn’t have to be a life sentence, with someone’s health and sobriety…

A person thinking about effects of meth on the brain

Effects of Meth on the Brain

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant that drastically affects one’s physical and mental health. The effects of meth on the brain not only physically damage an individual’s brain but also change an individual’s thought process, emotions, and behaviors. There is a significant risk factor associated with taking this drug, which can cause long-term damage and…

A person worried about their substance use and mental health

Treatment for Substance Use and Mental Health Conditions

Substance use and mental health issues go hand in hand. In fact, between 40 and 60% of Americans who suffer from addiction have a co-occurring mental health diagnosis. Experts agree that treating co-occurring conditions in a coordinated plan is far more successful than treating one and then the other or providing simultaneous but uncoordinated treatment.…

Woman thinking about her fentanyl and cocaine use

How Fentanyl Gets Mixed With Cocaine

Fentanyl and cocaine are two very different drugs, though both are Schedule II controlled substances. Law enforcement agencies in several states have reported that cocaine is being laced with fentanyl by drug traffickers in ever-increasing amounts. The dangers of cocaine use are matched by the dangers of fentanyl. When people take these two drugs together,…

A man who understands that meth and teeth don't go well together

How Meth Can Damage Your Teeth

Methamphetamine, otherwise known as meth, is one of the most dangerous drugs on the street market. It’s accessible and relatively cheap, largely because it’s so easily synthesized out of common ingredients. Meth labs exist in campers, backyard sheds, kitchens, and basements all across the country. Its energizing and euphoric effects are what draw people to…

Woman thinking about life skills for addiction recovery

5 Crucial Life Skills For Addiction Recovery

Life skills are a vital part of addiction treatment because they enable you to adapt to a drug-free lifestyle without any issues. Substance use disorders can ruin different areas of your life, like relationships, work, and school. After a successful treatment, you need these skills to face the challenges you encounter in your day-to-day activities.…