A man concerned about heroin dependence

What Is Heroin Dependence?

Since people first discovered the euphoric effects of opium, derived from a species of poppy, opiates have been used both medicinally and recreationally. From opium comes morphine, codeine, and heroin. Other drugs that mimic opiates but are even more potent include oxycodone and fentanyl. These are synthesized in laboratories and referred to as opioids, which…

Woman experiencing a cocaine overdose

Signs of a Cocaine Overdose

Many drugs now sold illegally for recreational use were originally used for other purposes. From religious rites to medical applications, substances derived from the coca plant have been used by humans for centuries. Cocaine addiction accounts for about one out of 10 people in rehab, and yet most people suffering from cocaine addiction don’t receive…

A man who understands alcohol dependence all too well.

What Is Alcohol Dependence?

Alcohol has been in use by societies as far back as the dawn of civilization. Fermented plant matter for medicine, religious rituals, nutrition, and enjoyment has been around for 9,000 years, recorded in Mesopotamia, the Indian subcontinent, China, and the Middle East. As we know, alcohol dependence can easily result from regular use, and dependence…

Person experiencing the benefits of a faith-based program

5 Benefits of a Faith-Based Addiction Program

Faith-centered addiction treatment combines spiritual practice with evidence-based treatment. Faith-based practices can help you use your commitment to religion and spirituality to support your recovery. If you have a background in Christianity, are deeply religious, or feel comforted by the practice of Christian faith, a recovery community based on Christian principles will likely help you…

Man feeling the short-term effects of heroin

Understanding the Short-Term Effects of Heroin

The opioid crisis reached critical proportions in the 1990s with the extensive distribution of Oxy by physicians misled by false claims that it was non-addictive. The prevalence of synthetic opioids such as oxycodone or fentanyl has not pushed out the high incidence of heroin and morphine use. These drugs are opiates derived from the opium…