A man who understands alcohol dependence all too well.

What Is Alcohol Dependence?

Alcohol has been in use by societies as far back as the dawn of civilization. Fermented plant matter for medicine, religious rituals, nutrition, and enjoyment has been around for 9,000 years, recorded in Mesopotamia, the Indian subcontinent, China, and the Middle East. As we know, alcohol dependence can easily result from regular use, and dependence…

When drinking becomes a problem

When Drinking Becomes a Problem

There are moments in life that we don’t really notice when they happen. For example, when drinking stops being an occasional indulgence and becomes a problem. It’s often not until much later, when the problem has become a life-altering disease known as addiction, that we realize what has happened. At Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge…

alcohol poisoning

Dangers of Alcohol Poisoning

A poison is defined as any substance that can enter your body and is harmful to it. Toxins can be swallowed, inhaled, absorbed, or injected. Poisoning always results in some level of illness and, depending on the toxin, can lead to death. Anyone who has experienced alcohol intoxication may be familiar with the day-after symptoms…

signs of heroin overdose

Signs of a Heroin Overdose

Heroin abuse and addiction still affect hundreds of thousands of Americans annually. Opium, derived from the opium poppy flower, had been used as a recreational drug for thousands of years, but it was not until 1874 that heroin was synthesized from opium. It was used medically for pain management until its extreme addictiveness was understood…

a group of people experience a fun and sober spring break

Sober Spring Break

Spring break. Almost by definition, this post-winter time off is an opportunity to let loose and celebrate. Many usually think of college kids convening on Florida beach towns or Colorado ski resorts to celebrate being outside, unscheduled, and free. Another common image conjured by the words spring break is one of alcohol consumption and drug…

man with headache

How Does Alcohol Affect Brain Development?

Did you know that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), unchecked alcohol consumption contributes to almost 90,000 deaths in the U.S. each year? More than 4,000 of those alcohol-related deaths are young, underage people. In fact, alcohol is the most commonly misused addictive substance among teens and young adults in America.…

alcohol screening

Why Is Alcohol Screening Important?

How do professionals decide if a patient should consider getting admitted into an alcohol addiction treatment program? An alcohol screening test helps determine if someone is struggling with an alcohol use disorder. An emergency room can use a short alcohol screening test that makes a determination based on the first question. A mental health professional…

shot glass

How to Avoid the Dangers of Binge Drinking

The dangers of binge drinking are significant and can include blackouts, reckless behaviors, overspending, liver damage, and other mental and physical health problems. Plus, they can sometimes put you in situations you would have otherwise avoided had alcohol not been a factor. When you find yourself sliding down the slippery slope of binge drinking, you…