A person worried about their substance use and mental health

Treatment for Substance Use and Mental Health Conditions

Substance use and mental health issues go hand in hand. In fact, between 40 and 60% of Americans who suffer from addiction have a co-occurring mental health diagnosis. Experts agree that treating co-occurring conditions in a coordinated plan is far more successful than treating one and then the other or providing simultaneous but uncoordinated treatment.…

Alcohol and trauma

Alcohol and Trauma

About seven out of 10 people will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetimes. No one is unaffected by trauma and some experience severe emotional and psychological fallout. It is estimated that about 12 million Americans have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, trauma-induced mental health challenges, including PTSD, are treatable. Unfortunately, it often…

teen sitting on couch

5 Signs of an Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is something everyone experiences at least once in their life. It is the mind’s natural response to a situation that is stressful. Most people, however, find the anxiety disappearing once they get through the situation, or even when they understand the situation better. With other people, anxiety is a daily problem, and it doesn’t…

young man talking to a teen therapist about his mental health

4 Benefits of a Teen Therapist

When addiction strikes during adolescence, the risks of severe or long-term health consequences increase. Many teens in the United States self-report binge drinking and drug use. Furthermore, most adolescents with substance use disorders also meet the criteria for a psychiatric disorder. These co-occurring disorders make it essential to seek mental health intervention by professionals who…

two friends discuss the signs of self-medication

4 Signs of Self-Medication in a Loved One

Do you worry that your loved one may experiment with self-medication? Generally, this is the act of taking a chemical substance or prescription medication without a doctor’s direct order. If you’ve ever taken a friend’s tranquilizer to calm yourself before a big meeting, you’ve self-medicated. Likewise, if you’ve ever watched a friend try to drink…

a man sits with his head down as he considers the current benzo shortage

The Dangers of the Current Benzo Shortage

Many doctors prescribe benzos to address addiction and other mental health conditions. In addition, those going through alcohol withdrawal may use the medication to help ease symptoms. COVID-19 has caused an increase in the number of patients seeking treatment for anxiety. In the meantime, the supply chain has been interrupted, and it is becoming more…