a group of people experience a fun and sober spring break

Sober Spring Break

Spring break. Almost by definition, this post-winter time off is an opportunity to let loose and celebrate. Many usually think of college kids convening on Florida beach towns or Colorado ski resorts to celebrate being outside, unscheduled, and free. Another common image conjured by the words spring break is one of alcohol consumption and drug…

man in front of sunset

3 Benefits of a Faith Centered Treatment Program

Programs like AA and NA offer a 12-step, faith-based treatment. This model of addiction recovery has been around for longer than most other programs. Faith-centered treatment is also one of the most popular in rehab centers. Why do so many seek out a faith-based program, and what benefits does faith-centered treatment offer over other programs?…

Prayers For Someone On Drugs

Prayers For Someone On Drugs

The power and effectiveness of prayer in addiction recovery are being reaffirmed across the country in numerous recovery settings. In fact, almost three-quarters of rehab options in the US include faith-based addiction treatment programs. Whether part of a 12-step program or used in a residential addiction recovery center, prayer can play an influential role in…

group participating in faith based treatment

How Can Faith-Based Treatment Help Teens?

Perhaps you are a parent worried about your child or an educator aware of warning signs that a student is abusing drugs. Maybe you are a member of the clergy whose young parishioner is exhibiting signs of addiction. If an adolescent you care about is engaged in risky behavior with an addictive substance, you have…