The Naaman Center’s partnership and collaboration with the Delaware Regional Dream Center is an exciting opportunity to restore wholeness to a community in great need. The benefits of this partnership will be to provide a new level of access to care to The First State.
The Naaman Center is a collection of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) programs with over 60 years of experience. Currently, 14 locations in Pennsylvania provide clinical outpatient services, eight of which are in Rescue Missions or Department of Correction facilities.
What Do These Centers Offer?
Each center offers outpatient treatment services that help clients find healing from SUD, addiction, and other mental health issues by delivering professional counseling and treatment services. The Dream Center has worked diligently alongside the Naaman Center to outfit brand new intake and counseling offices.
Over the last year, multiple meetings with DHSS were conducted to ensure our DSAMH Certification and Licensure were completed
correctly. The Naaman Center provides services on every level of continuum care, from Detox to Recovery Housing and Workforce Development. Our services in Delaware will start this spring next door to the Dream Center on Ruthar Drive, which offers intensive and non-intensive outpatient services.
“Tough, But Vital Work”
“Every corner of our state has been impacted by the opioid crisis. While there are continued challenges, I’m so encouraged by the community leaders and nonprofits who are leaning in to do the tough but vital work in the prevention, treatment and recovery
spaces. The Delaware Regional Dream Center’s robust Restoring Hope Community Outreach program is a creative way to treat the whole person with hope and help. With this initiative, we can see Delaware’s opioid abatement dollars in action,” said Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long, PhD, RN and co-chair of the Delaware Prescription Opioid Settlement Distribution Commission.