A couple making amends

The Importance of Making Amends

Addiction can take a toll on individuals and entire families. It destroys the health and well-being of everyone involved. Addiction affects not only the person struggling with it, but the people around them, making them feel helpless, hopeless, and exhausted. That’s why making amends is essential to the journey of healing from addiction. Let’s consider…

Woman thinking about life skills for addiction recovery

5 Crucial Life Skills For Addiction Recovery

Life skills are a vital part of addiction treatment because they enable you to adapt to a drug-free lifestyle without any issues. Substance use disorders can ruin different areas of your life, like relationships, work, and school. After a successful treatment, you need these skills to face the challenges you encounter in your day-to-day activities.…

two men laughing

New Year’s Resolution Tips to Help Your Alcohol Addiction

The start of a new year is always a good time to begin working on your life goals, and a commitment to kicking an addiction is one of the best goals you can set for yourself. However, getting rid of an addiction is a lofty feat that can be challenging to reach without creating smaller stepping stone…

woman using her life skills

3 Life Skills for Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery is greater than the sum of its parts, and there are many “parts” to a healthy recovery. Starting with medically supervised detox, a recovery journey involves rehabilitation, therapy, support groups, a family safety net, and, for many, a faith community. There are also specific life skills that will increase the chances of successfully…